Shor's Algorithm


The main program of a Shor's algorithm can be summrized in several lines of code. For the theory part, please refer the reference materials above. It factorize an integer L, and returns one of the factors.

using Yao, BitBasis
using Yao.EasyBuild: qft_circuit

Number theory basic

Before entering the main program, let us defined some useful functions in number theory.

module NumberTheory

export Z_star, Eulerφ, continued_fraction, mod_inverse, rand_primeto, factor_a_power_b
export is_order, order_from_float, find_order

    Z_star(N::Int) -> Vector

returns the Z* group elements of `N`, i.e. {x | gcd(x, N) == 1}
Z_star(N::Int) = filter(i->gcd(i, N)==1, 0:N-1)
Eulerφ(N) = length(Z_star(N))

    continued_fraction(ϕ, niter::Int) -> Rational

obtain `s` and `r` from `ϕ` that satisfies `|s/r - ϕ| ≦ 1/2r²`
continued_fraction(ϕ, niter::Int) = niter==0 || isinteger(ϕ) ? floor(Int, ϕ) : floor(Int, ϕ) + 1//continued_fraction(1/mod(ϕ, 1), niter-1)
continued_fraction(ϕ::Rational, niter::Int) = niter==0 || ϕ.den==1 ? floor(Int, ϕ) : floor(Int, ϕ) + 1//continued_fraction(1/mod(ϕ, 1), niter-1)

    mod_inverse(x::Int, N::Int) -> Int

Return `y` that `(x*y)%N == 1`, notice the `(x*y)%N` operations in Z* forms a group and this is the definition of inverse.
function mod_inverse(x::Int, N::Int)
    for i=1:N
        (x*i)%N == 1 && return i
    throw(ArgumentError("Can not find the inverse, $x is probably not in Z*($N)!"))

    is_order(r, x, N) -> Bool

Returns true if `r` is the order of `x`, i.e. `r` satisfies `x^r % N == 1`.
is_order(r, x, N) = powermod(x, r, N) == 1

    find_order(x::Int, N::Int) -> Int

Find the order of `x` by brute force search.
function find_order(x::Int, N::Int)
    findfirst(r->is_order(r, x, N), 1:N)

    rand_primeto(N::Int) -> Int

Returns a random number `2 ≦ x < N` that is prime to `N`.
function rand_primeto(N::Int)
    while true
        x = rand(2:N-1)
        d = gcd(x, N)
        if d == 1
            return x

    order_from_float(ϕ, x, L) -> Int

Estimate the order of `x` to `L`, `r`, from a floating point number `ϕ ∼ s/r` using the continued fraction method.
function order_from_float(ϕ, x, L)
    k = 1
    rnum = continued_fraction(ϕ, k)
    while rnum.den < L && k < 100
        r = rnum.den
        if is_order(r, x, L)
            return r
        k += 1
        rnum = continued_fraction(ϕ, k)
    return nothing

    factor_a_power_b(N::Int) -> (Int, Int) or nothing

Factorize `N` into the power form `a^b`.
function factor_a_power_b(N::Int)
    y = log2(N)
    for b = 2:ceil(Int, y)
        x = 2^(y/b)
        u1 = floor(Int, x)
        u1^b == N && return (u1, b)
        (u1+1)^b == N && return (u1+1, b)


A quantum function to compute mod

Before introducing the main program, let us customize a block for computing the classical function mod. In a more practical setup, it should be compiled to basic quantum gates. Here we just hack this function for simplicity.

    KMod <: PrimitiveBlock{2}

The first `k` qubits are exponent, and the rest `n-k` are base `a`,
it calculates `mod(a^k*x, L)`, notice `gcd(a, L)` should be 1.
struct KMod <: PrimitiveBlock{2}
    function KMod(n, k, a, L)
        @assert gcd(a, L) == 1 && L<=1<<(n-k)
        new(n, k, a, L)

Yao.nqudits(m::KMod) = m.n

function bint2_reader(T, k::Int)
    mask = bmask(T, 1:k)
    return b -> (b&mask, b>>k)

function Yao.unsafe_apply!(reg::AbstractArrayReg, m::KMod)
    nstate = zero(reg.state)

    reader = bint2_reader(Int, m.k)
    for b in 0:1<<m.n-1
        k, i = reader(b)
        _i = i >= m.L ? i : mod(i*powermod(m.a, k, m.L), m.L)
        _b = k + _i<<m.k + 1
        for j in 1:size(nstate,2)
            @inbounds nstate[_b,j] = reg.state[b+1,j]
    reg.state .= nstate

function Yao.mat(::Type{T}, m::KMod) where {T}
    perm = Vector{Int}(undef, 1<<m.n)
    reader = bint2_reader(Int, m.k)
    for b in 0:1<<m.n-1
        k, i = reader(b)
        _i = i >= m.L ? i : mod(i*powermod(m.a, k, m.L), m.L)
        _b = k + _i<<m.k + 1
        @inbounds perm[_b] = b+1
    YaoBlocks.LuxurySparse.PermMatrix(perm, ones(T, 1<<m.n))

Base.adjoint(m::KMod) = KMod(m.n, m.k, mod_inverse(m.a, m.L), m.L)
Yao.print_block(io::IO, m::KMod) = print(io, "Mod: $(m.a)^k*x % $(m.L) (nqubits = $(nqudits(m)), number of control bits = $(m.k))")

Main Program

Here, the input ver can be either Val(:quantum) or Val(:classical), where the classical version is for comparison.

using .NumberTheory

function shor(L::Int, ver=Val(:quantum); maxtry=100)
    L%2 == 0 && return 2

    # find short cut solutions like `a^b`
    res = NumberTheory.factor_a_power_b(L)
    res !== nothing && return res[1]

    for _ = 1:maxtry
        # step 1
        x = NumberTheory.rand_primeto(L)

        # step 2
        r = get_order(ver, x, L; )
        if r%2 == 0 && powermod(x, r÷2, L) != L-1
            # step 3
            f1, f2 = gcd(powermod(x, r÷2, L)-1, L), gcd(powermod(x, r÷2, L)+1, L)
            if f1!=1
                return f1
            elseif f2!=1
                return f2
                error("Algorithm Fail!")
shor (generic function with 2 methods)

Except some shortcuts, in each try, the main program can be summarized in several steps

  1. randomly pick a number that prime to the input numebr L, i.e. gcd(x, L) = 1.

The complexity of this algorithm is polynomial.

  1. get the order x, i.e. finding a number r that satisfies mod(x^r, L) = 1.

If r is even and x^(r÷2) is non-trivial, go on, otherwise start another try. Here, trivial means equal to L-1 (mod L).

  1. According to Theorem 5.2 in Neilsen book,

one of gcd(x^(r÷2)-1, L) and gcd(x^(r÷2)+1, L) must be a non-trivial (!=1) factor of L. Notice powermod(x, r÷2, L) must be -1 rather than 1, otherwise the order should be r/2 according to definition.

The only difference between classical and quantum version is the order finding algorithm.

Order Finding

We provided a classical order finding algorithm in NumberTheory, here we focus on the quantum version. The algorithm is consisted

  1. run the circuit to get a bitstring,
  2. interpret this bitstring in output register as a rational number s/r.

To achieve this, we first interpret it as a floating point number, then the continued fraction algorithm can find the best match for us.

When using the quantum version, we have the flexibility to set key word arguments nshot, nbit (size of input data register) and ncbit (size of control register, or output register). nbit can be simply chosen as the minimum register size to store input, while ncbit can be estimated with the following function

"""estimate the required size of the output register."""
estimate_ncbit(nbit::Int, ϵ::Real) = 2*nbit + 1 + ceil(Int,log2(2+1/2ϵ))

get_order(::Val{:classical}, x::Int, L::Int; kwargs...) = NumberTheory.find_order(x, L)
function get_order(::Val{:quantum}, x::Int, L::Int; nshots::Int=10,
            nbit::Int=bit_length(L-1), ncbit::Int=estimate_ncbit(nbit, 0.25))
    c = order_finding_circuit(x, L; nbit=nbit, ncbit=ncbit)
    reg = join(product_state(nbit, 1), zero_state(ncbit))

    res = measure(copy(reg) |> c; nshots=nshots)
    for r in res
        # split bit string b into lower bits `k` and higher bits `r`.
        mask = bmask(1:ncbit)
        k,i = r&mask, r>>ncbit
        # get s/r
        ϕ = bfloat(k)  #
        ϕ == 0 && continue

        # order_from_float: given a floating point number,
        # return the closest rational number with bounded number of continued fraction steps.
        order = NumberTheory.order_from_float(ϕ, x, L)
        if order === nothing
            return order
    return nothing
get_order (generic function with 2 methods)

The circuit used for finding order

    order_finding_circuit(x::Int, L::Int; nbit::Int=bit_length(L-1), ncbit::Int=estimate_ncbit(nbit, 0.25)) -> AbstractBlock

Returns the circuit for finding the order of `x` to `L`,
feeding input `|1>⊗|0>` will get the resulting quantum register with the desired "phase" information.
function order_finding_circuit(x::Int, L::Int; nbit::Int, ncbit::Int)
    N = nbit+ncbit
    chain(N, repeat(N, H, 1:ncbit), KMod(N, ncbit, x, L),
        subroutine(N, qft_circuit(ncbit)', 1:ncbit))

The circuit for order finding is consisted of three parts

  1. Hadamard gates,
  2. KMod that computes a classical function mod(a^k*x, L).

k is the integer stored in first K (or ncbit) qubits and the rest N-K qubits stores a. Notice it is not a basic gate, it should have been compiled to multiple gates, which is not implemented in Yao for the moment. To learn more about implementing arithmatics on a quantum circuit, please read this paper.

  1. Inverse quantum fourier transformation.


Factorizing 15, you should see 3 or 5, please report a bug if it is not...

shor(15, Val(:quantum))

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