Blocks are the basic building blocks of a quantum circuit in Yao. It simply means a quantum operator, thus, all the blocks have matrices in principal and one can get its matrix by mat
. The basic blocks required to build an arbitrary quantum circuit is defined in the component package YaoBlocks
Block Tree serves as an intermediate representation for Yao to analysis, optimize the circuit, then it will be lowered to instructions like for simulations, blocks will be lowered to instruct!
The structure of blocks is the same with a small type system, it consists of two basic kinds of blocks: CompositeBlock
(like composite types), and PrimitiveBlock
(like primitive types). By combining these two kinds of blocks together, we'll be able to construct a quantum circuit and represent it in a tree data structure.
— TypeAbstractBlock{D}
Abstract type for quantum circuit blocks. while D
is the number level in each qudit.
Required Methods
Optional Methods
— TypePrimitiveBlock{D} <: AbstractBlock{D}
Abstract type that all primitive block will subtype from. A primitive block is a concrete block who can not be decomposed into other blocks. All composite block can be decomposed into several primitive blocks.
subtype for primitive block with parameter should implement hash
and ==
method to enable key value cache.
Required Methods
Optional Methods
— TypeCompositeBlock{D} <: AbstractBlock{D}
Abstract supertype which composite blocks will inherit from. Composite blocks are blocks composited from other AbstractBlock
s, thus it is a AbstractBlock
as well.
Required Methods
Optional Methods
Primitive Blocks
Primitive blocks are subtypes of PrimitiveBlock
, they are the leaf nodes in a block tree, thus primitive types do not have subtypes.
We provide the following primitive blocks:
— TypeGeneralMatrixBlock{D, MT} <: PrimitiveBlock{D}
GeneralMatrixBlock{D}(m, n, A, tag="matblock(...)")
GeneralMatrixBlock(A; nlevel=2, tag="matblock(...)")
General matrix gate wraps a matrix operator to quantum gates. This is the most general form of a quantum gate.
are the number of dits in row and column.A
is a matrix.tag
is the printed information.D
are the number of levels in each qudit.
— TypeIdentityGate{D} <: TrivialGate{D}
The identity gate.
— TypeMeasure{D,K, OT, LT, PT, RNG} <: PrimitiveBlock{D}
Measure(n::Int; rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG, operator=ComputationalBasis(), locs=1:n, resetto=nothing, remove=false, nlevel=2)
Measure operator, currently only qudits are supported.
— MethodMeasure(n::Int; rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG, operator=ComputationalBasis(), locs=AllLocs(), resetto=nothing, remove=false)
Create a Measure
block with number of qudits n
You can create a Measure
block on given basis (default is the computational basis).
julia> Measure(4)
Or you could specify which qudits you are going to measure
julia> Measure(4; locs=1:3)
Measure(4;locs=(1, 2, 3))
by default this will collapse the current register to measure results.
julia> r = normalize!(arrayreg(bit"000") + arrayreg(bit"111"))
ArrayReg{2, ComplexF64, Array...}
active qubits: 3/3
nlevel: 2
julia> state(r)
8×1 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
0.7071067811865475 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
0.7071067811865475 + 0.0im
julia> r |> Measure(3)
ArrayReg{2, ComplexF64, Array...}
active qubits: 3/3
nlevel: 2
julia> state(r)
8×1 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
0.0 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
0.0 + 0.0im
1.0 + 0.0im
But you can also specify the target bit configuration you want to collapse to with keyword resetto
```jldoctest; setup=:(using Yao) julia> m = Measure(4; resetto=bit"0101") Measure(4;postprocess=ResetTo{BitStr{4,Int64}}(0101 ₍₂₎))
julia> m.postprocess ResetTo{BitStr{4,Int64}}(0101 ₍₂₎)```
— TypePhaseGate
Global phase gate.
— Typestruct Projector{D, T, AT<:(AbstractArrayReg{D, T})} <: PrimitiveBlock{D}
Projection operator to target state psi
defines the following operator.
\[|s⟩ → |s⟩⟨s|\]
— TypeReflectGate{D, T, Tt, AT<:AbstractArrayReg{D, T}} = TimeEvolution{D,Tt,Projector{D,T,AT}}
Let |v⟩
be a quantum state vector, a reflection gate is a unitary operator that defined as the following operation.
\[|v⟩ → 1 - (1-exp(-iθ)) |v⟩⟨v|\]
When $θ = π$, it defines a standard reflection gate $1-2|v⟩⟨v|$.
— TypeRotationGate{D,T,GT<:AbstractBlock{D}} <: PrimitiveBlock{D}
RotationGate, with GT both hermitian and isreflexive.
Expression rot(G, θ)
defines the following gate
\[\cos \frac{\theta}{2}I - i \sin \frac{\theta}{2} G\]
— TypeShiftGate <: PrimitiveBlock
Phase shift gate.
— TypeTimeEvolution{D, TT, GT} <: PrimitiveBlock{D}
TimeEvolution, where GT is block type. input matrix should be hermitian.
contructor check hermicity of the input block by default, but sometimes it can be slow. Turn off the check manually by specifying optional parameter check_hermicity = false
— Macro@const_gate <gate name> = <expr>
@const_gate <gate name>::<type> = <expr>
@const_gate <gate>::<type>
This macro simplify the definition of a constant gate. It will automatically bind the matrix form to a constant which will reduce memory allocation in the runtime.
@const_gate X = ComplexF64[0 1;1 0]
@const_gate X::ComplexF64 = [0 1;1 0]
You can bind new element types by simply re-declare with a type annotation.
@const_gate X::ComplexF32
Composite Blocks
Composite blocks are subtypes of CompositeBlock
, they are the composition of blocks.
We provide the following composite blocks:
— TypeAbstractAdd{D} <: CompositeBlock{D}
The abstract add interface, aimed to support Hamiltonian types.
Required Interfaces
and its backwardmat
and its backwardadjoint
over dit stringsishermitian
— TypeAdd{D} <: AbstractAdd{D}
Add(blocks::AbstractBlock...) -> Add
Type for block addition.
julia> X + X
nqubits: 1
├─ X
└─ X
— TypeCachedBlock{ST, BT, D} <: TagBlock{BT, D}
A label type that tags an instance of type BT
. It forwards every methods of the block it contains, except mat
and apply!
, it will cache the matrix form whenever the program has.
— TypeChainBlock{D} <: CompositeBlock{D}
is a basic construct tool to create user defined blocks horizontically. It is a Vector
like composite type.
— TypeA control block is a composite block that applies a block when the control qubits are all ones.
If control qubit index is negative, it means the inverse control, i.e., the block is applied when the control qubit is zero.
ctrl_locs::NTuple{C, Int64} where C
ctrl_config::NTuple{C, Int64} where C
locs::NTuple{M, Int64} where M
— TypeDaggered{BT, D} <: TagBlock{BT,D}
Wrapper block allowing to execute the inverse of a block of quantum circuit.
— MethodDaggered(block)
Create a Daggered
block. Let $G$ be a input block, G'
or Daggered(block)
in code represents $G^\dagger$.
The inverse QFT is not hermitian, thus it will be tagged with a Daggered
julia> A(i, j) = control(i, j=>shift(2π/(1<<(i-j+1))));
julia> B(n, i) = chain(n, i==j ? put(i=>H) : A(j, i) for j in i:n);
julia> qft(n) = chain(B(n, i) for i in 1:n);
julia> struct QFT <: PrimitiveBlock{2} n::Int end
julia> YaoBlocks.nqudits(q::QFT) = q.n
julia> circuit(q::QFT) = qft(nqubits(q));
julia> YaoBlocks.mat(x::QFT) = mat(circuit(x));
julia> QFT(2)'
— TypeKronBlock{D,M,MT<:NTuple{M,Any}} <: CompositeBlock{D}
composite block that combine blocks by kronecker product.
— TypeOnLevels{D, Ds, T <: AbstractBlock{Ds}} <: TagBlock{T, D}
Define a gate that is applied to a subset of levels.
: the gate to be applied.levels
: the levels to apply the gate to.
— TypePSwap = PutBlock{2,2,RotationGate{2,T,G}} where {G<:ConstGate.SWAPGate}
PSwap(n::Int, locs::Tuple{Int,Int}, θ::Real)
Parametrized swap gate that swaps two qubits with a phase, defined as
\[{\rm SWAP}(θ) = e^{-iθ{\rm SWAP}/2}\]
— TypePutBlock{D,C,GT<:AbstractBlock} <: AbstractContainer{GT,D}
Type for putting a block at given locations.
— TypeRepeatedBlock{D,C,GT<:AbstractBlock} <: AbstractContainer{GT,D}
Repeat the same block on given locations.
— TypeScale{S <: Union{Number, Val}, D, BT <: AbstractBlock{D}} <: TagBlock{BT, D}
Scale(factor, block)
Multiply a block with a scalar factor, which can be a number or a Val
. If the factor is a number, it is regarded as a parameter that can be changed dynamically. If the factor is a Val
, it is regarded as a constant.
julia> 2 * X
[scale: 2] X
julia> im * Z
[+im] Z
julia> -im * Z
[-im] Z
julia> -Z
[-] Z
— TypeSubroutine{D, BT <: AbstractBlock, C} <: AbstractContainer{BT, D}
Subroutine node on given locations. This allows you to shoehorn a smaller circuit to a larger one.
— TypeSwap = PutBlock{2,2,G} where {G<:ConstGate.SWAPGate}
Swap(n::Int, locs::Tuple{Int,Int})
Swap gate, which swaps two qubits.
— TypeUnitaryChannel{D, W<:AbstractVector} <: CompositeBlock{D}
UnitaryChannel(operators, probs)
Create a unitary channel, where probs
is a real vector that sum up to 1.
Operations on Blocks
— Functionunsafe_apply!(r, block)
Similar to apply!
, but will not check the size of the register and block, this is mainly used for overloading new blocks, use at your own risk.
— Functionapply!(register, block)
Apply a block (of quantum circuit) to a quantum register.
to overload apply!
for a new block, please overload the unsafe_apply!
function with same interface. Then the apply!
interface will do the size checks on inputs automatically.
julia> r = zero_state(2)
ArrayReg{2, ComplexF64, Array...}
active qubits: 2/2
nlevel: 2
julia> apply!(r, put(2, 1=>X))
ArrayReg{2, ComplexF64, Array...}
active qubits: 2/2
nlevel: 2
julia> measure(r;nshots=10)
10-element Vector{DitStr{2, 2, Int64}}:
01 ₍₂₎
01 ₍₂₎
01 ₍₂₎
01 ₍₂₎
01 ₍₂₎
01 ₍₂₎
01 ₍₂₎
01 ₍₂₎
01 ₍₂₎
01 ₍₂₎
— Functionapply(register, block)
The non-inplace version of applying a block (of quantum circuit) to a quantum register. Check apply!
for the faster inplace version.
— Functionniparam(block) -> Int
Return number of intrinsic parameters in block
. See also nparameters
julia> niparams(Rx(0.1))
— Functiongetiparams(block)
Returns the intrinsic parameters of node block
, default is an empty tuple.
julia> getiparams(Rx(0.1))
— Functionrender_params(r::AbstractBlock, params)
This function renders the input parameter to a consumable type to r
. params
can be a number or a symbol like :zero
and :random
julia> collect(render_params(Rx(0.1), :zero))
1-element Vector{Float64}:
— Functionnparameters(block) -> Int
Return number of parameters in block
. See also niparams
julia> nparameters(chain(Rx(0.1), Rz(0.2)))
— Functionoccupied_locs(x)
Return a tuple of occupied locations of x
julia> occupied_locs(kron(5, 1=>X, 3=>X))
(1, 3)
julia> occupied_locs(kron(5, 1=>X, 3=>I2))
— Functionprint_block(io, block)
Define how blocks are printed as text in one line.
julia> print_block(stdout, X)
julia> print_block(stdout, put(2, 1=>X))
put on (1)
— Functionapply_back!((ψ, ∂L/∂ψ*), circuit::AbstractBlock, collector) -> AbstractRegister
back propagate and calculate the gradient ∂L/∂θ = 2Re(∂L/∂ψ⋅∂ψ/∂θ), given ∂L/∂ψ. ψ
is the output register, ∂L/∂ψ* should also be register type.
Note: gradients are stored in Diff
blocks, it can be access by either diffblock.grad
or gradient(circuit)
. Note2: now apply_back!
returns the inversed gradient!
— Functionmat_back!(T, rb::AbstractBlock, adjy, collector)
Back propagate the matrix gradients.
Error and Exceptions
Extending Blocks
Blocks are defined as a sub-type system inside Julia, you could extend it by defining new Julia types by subtyping abstract types we provide. But we also provide some handy tools to help you create your own blocks.
Define Custom Constant Blocks
Constant blocks are used quite often and in numerical simulation we would expect it to be a real constant in the program, which means it won't allocate new memory when we try to get its matrix for several times, and it won't change with parameters.
In Yao, you can simply define a constant block with @const_gate
, with the corresponding matrix:
julia> @const_gate Rand = rand(ComplexF64, 4, 4)
This will automatically create a type RandGate{T}
and a constant binding Rand
to the instance of RandGate{ComplexF64}
, and it will also bind a Julia constant for the given matrix, so when you call mat(Rand)
, no allocation will happen.
julia> @allocated mat(Rand)
ERROR: UndefVarError: `mat` not defined in `Main` Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports. Hint: a global variable of this name also exists in YaoAPI. Hint: a global variable of this name also exists in YaoBlocks. Hint: a global variable of this name also exists in Yao.
If you want to use other data type like ComplexF32
, you could directly call Rand(ComplexF32)
, which will create a new instance with data type ComplexF32
julia> Rand(ComplexF32)
ERROR: UndefVarError: `Rand` not defined in `Main` Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.
But remember this won't bind the matrix, it only binds the matrix you give
julia> @allocated mat(Rand(ComplexF32))
ERROR: UndefVarError: `mat` not defined in `Main` Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports. Hint: a global variable of this name also exists in YaoAPI. Hint: a global variable of this name also exists in YaoBlocks. Hint: a global variable of this name also exists in Yao.
so if you want to make the matrix call mat
for ComplexF32
to have zero allocation as well, you need to do it explicitly.
julia> @const_gate Rand::ComplexF32
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: `@const_gate` not defined in `Main` Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports. Hint: a global variable of this name also exists in YaoBlocks. in expression starting at REPL[1]:1
Define Custom Blocks
Primitive blocks are the most basic block to build a quantum circuit, if a primitive block has a certain structure, like containing tweakable parameters, it cannot be defined as a constant, thus create a new type by subtyping PrimitiveBlock
is necessary
using YaoBlocks
mutable struct PhaseGate{T <: Real} <: PrimitiveBlock{1}
If your insterested block is a composition of other blocks, you should define a CompositeBlock
, e.g
struct ChainBlock{N} <: CompositeBlock{N}
Besides types, there are several interfaces you could define for a block, but don't worry, they should just error if it doesn't work.
Define the matrix
The matrix form of a block is the minimal requirement to make a custom block functional, defining it is super simple, e.g for phase gate:
mat(::Type{T}, gate::PhaseGate) where T = exp(T(im * gate.theta)) * Matrix{Complex{T}}(I, 2, 2)
Or for composite blocks, you could just calculate the matrix by call mat
on its subblocks.
mat(::Type{T}, c::ChainBlock) where T = prod(x->mat(T, x), reverse(c.blocks))
The rest will just work, but might be slow since you didn't define any specification for this certain block.
Define how blocks are applied to registers
Although, having its matrix is already enough for applying a block to register, we could improve the performance or dispatch to other actions by overloading apply!
interface, e.g we can use specialized instruction to make X gate (a builtin gate defined @const_gate
) faster:
function apply!(r::ArrayReg, x::XGate)
nactive(r) == 1 || throw(QubitMismatchError("register size $(nactive(r)) mismatch with block size $N"))
instruct!(matvec(r.state), Val(:X), (1, ))
return r
In Yao, this interface allows us to provide more aggressive specialization on different patterns of quantum circuits to accelerate the simulation etc.
Define Parameters
If you want to use some member of the block to be parameters, you need to declare them explicitly
niparams(::Type{<:PhaseGate}) = 1
getiparams(x::PhaseGate) = x.theta
setiparams!(r::PhaseGate, param::Real) = (r.theta = param; r)
Define Adjoint
Since blocks are actually quantum operators, it makes sense to call their adjoint
as well. We provide Daggered
for general purpose, but some blocks may have more specific transformation rules for adjoints, e.g
Base.adjoint(x::PhaseGate) = PhaseGate(-x.theta)
Define Cache Keys
To enable cache, you should define cache_key
, e.g for phase gate, we only cares about its phase, instead of the whole instance
cache_key(gate::PhaseGate) = gate.theta
— Method|>(register, circuit) -> register
Apply a quantum circuits to register, which modifies the register directly.
julia> arrayreg(bit"0") |> X |> Y
— Methodkron(n, locs_and_blocks::Pair{<:Any, <:AbstractBlock}...) -> KronBlock
Returns a n
-qudit KronBlock
. The inputs contains a list of location-block pairs, where a location can be an integer or a range. It is conceptually a chain
of put
block without address conflicts, but it has a richer type information that can be useful for various purposes such as more efficient mat
Let $I$ be a $2\times 2$ identity matrix, $G$ and $H$ be two $2\times 2$ matrix, the matrix representation of kron(n, i=>G, j=>H)
(assume $j > i$) is defined as
\[I^{\otimes n-j} \otimes H \otimes I^{\otimes j-i-1} \otimes G \otimes I^{i-1}\]
For multiple locations, the expression can be complicated.
Use kron
to construct a KronBlock
, it will put an X
gate on the 1
st qubit, and a Y
gate on the 3
rd qubit.
julia> kron(4, 1=>X, 3=>Y)
nqubits: 4
├─ 1=>X
└─ 3=>Y
— Methodkron(blocks::AbstractBlock...)
kron(n, itr)
Return a KronBlock
, with total number of qubits n
, and blocks
should use all the locations on n
wires in quantum circuits.
You can use kronecker product to composite small blocks to a large blocks.
julia> kron(X, Y, Z, Z)
nqubits: 4
├─ 1=>X
├─ 2=>Y
├─ 3=>Z
└─ 4=>Z
— Methodkron(blocks...) -> f(n)
kron(itr) -> f(n)
Return a lambda, which will take the total number of qubits as input.
If you don't know the number of qubit yet, or you are just too lazy, it is fine.
julia> kron(put(1=>X) for _ in 1:2)
(n -> kron(n, ((n -> put(n, 1 => X)), (n -> put(n, 1 => X)))...))
julia> kron(X for _ in 1:2)
nqubits: 2
├─ 1=>X
└─ 2=>X
julia> kron(1=>X, 3=>Y)
(n -> kron(n, (1 => X, 3 => Y)...))
— Methodrepeat(x::AbstractBlock, locs)
Lazy curried version of repeat
— Methodrepeat(n, subblock::AbstractBlock[, locs]) -> RepeatedBlock{n}
Create a n
-qudit RepeatedBlock
block, which is conceptually a [kron
] block with all gates being the same. If locs
is provided, repeat on locs
, otherwise repeat on all locations. Let $G$ be a $2\times 2$ matrix, the matrix representation of repeat(n, X)
\[X^{\otimes n}\]
The RepeatedBlock
can be used to accelerate repeated applying certain gate types: X
, Y
, Z
, S
, T
, Sdag
, and Tdag
This will create a repeat block which puts 4 X gates on each location.
julia> repeat(4, X)
nqubits: 4
repeat on (1, 2, 3, 4)
└─ X
You can also specify the location
julia> repeat(4, X, (1, 2))
nqubits: 4
repeat on (1, 2)
└─ X
But repeat won't copy the gate, thus, if it is a gate with parameter, e.g a phase(0.1)
, the parameter will change simultaneously.
julia> g = repeat(4, phase(0.1))
nqubits: 4
repeat on (1, 2, 3, 4)
└─ phase(0.1)
julia> g.content
julia> g.content.theta = 0.2
julia> g
nqubits: 4
repeat on (1, 2, 3, 4)
└─ phase(0.2)
Repeat over certain gates will provide speed up.
julia> reg = rand_state(20);
julia> @time apply!(reg, repeat(20, X));
0.002252 seconds (5 allocations: 656 bytes)
julia> @time apply!(reg, chain([put(20, i=>X) for i=1:20]));
0.049362 seconds (82.48 k allocations: 4.694 MiB, 47.11% compilation time)
— Methodishermitian(op::AbstractBlock) -> Bool
Returns true if op
is hermitian.
— Methodchcontent(x, blk)
Create a similar block of x
and change its content to blk.
— Methodchsubblocks(composite_block, itr)
Change the sub-blocks of a CompositeBlock
with given iterator itr
— Methodcontent(x)
Returns the content of x
— Methoddispatch!(x::AbstractBlock, collection)
Dispatch parameters in collection to block tree x
it will try to dispatch the parameters in collection first.
— Methodexpect(op::AbstractBlock, reg) -> Real
expect(op::AbstractBlock, reg => circuit) -> Real
expect(op::AbstractBlock, density_matrix) -> Real
Get the expectation value of an operator, the second parameter can be a register reg
or a pair of input register and circuit reg => circuit
expect'(op::AbstractBlock, reg=>circuit) -> Pair expect'(op::AbstractBlock, reg) -> AbstracRegister
Obtain the gradient with respect to registers and circuit parameters. For pair input, the second return value is a pair of gψ=>gparams
, with gψ
the gradient of input state and gparams
the gradients of circuit parameters. For register input, the return value is a register.
For batched register, expect(op, reg=>circuit)
returns a vector of size number of batch as output. However, one can not differentiate over a vector loss, so expect'(op, reg=>circuit)
accumulates the gradient over batch, rather than returning a batched gradient of parameters.
— Methodgetiparams(block)
Returns the intrinsic parameters of node block
, default is an empty tuple.
— Methodiparams_eltype(block)
Return the element type of getiparams
— Methodmat([T=ComplexF64], blk)
Returns the matrix form of given block.
— Methodmat(A::GeneralMatrixBlock)
Return the matrix of general matrix block.
Instead of converting it to the default data type ComplexF64
, this will return its contained matrix.
— Methodoperator_fidelity(b1::AbstractBlock, b2::AbstractBlock) -> Number
Operator fidelity defined as
\[F^2 = \frac{1}{d}\left[{\rm Tr}(b1^\dagger b2)\right]\]
Here, d
is the size of the Hilbert space. Note this quantity is independant to global phase. See arXiv: 0803.2940v2, Equation (2) for reference.
— Methodparameters(block)
Returns all the parameters contained in block tree with given root block
— Methodparameters_eltype(x)
Return the element type of parameters
— Functionsetiparams!([f], block, itr)
setiparams!([f], block, params...)
Set the parameters of block
. When f
is provided, set parameters of block
to the value in collection
mapped by f
. iter
can be an iterator or a symbol, the symbol can be :zero
, :random
— Methodsubblocks(x)
Returns an iterator of the sub-blocks of a composite block. Default is empty.
— MethodYaoBlocks.Ry
— MethodYaoBlocks.Rz
— MethodYaoBlocks.apply
— Methodapply(register, block)
The non-inplace version of applying a block (of quantum circuit) to a quantum register. Check apply!
for the faster inplace version.
— Methodapplymatrix(g::AbstractBlock) -> Matrix
Transform the apply! function of specific block to dense matrix.
— MethodYaoBlocks.cache
— Functioncache(x[, level=1; recursive=false])
Create a CachedBlock
with given block x
, which will cache the matrix of x
for the first time it calls mat
, and use the cached matrix in the following calculations.
julia> cache(control(3, 1, 2=>X))
nqubits: 3
[cached] control(1)
└─ (2,) X
julia> chain(cache(control(3, 1, 2=>X)), repeat(H))
nqubits: 3
└─ [cached] control(1)
└─ (2,) X
— Methodcache_key(block)
Returns the key that identify the matrix cache of this block. By default, we use the returns of parameters
as its key.
— Methodcache_type(::Type) -> DataType
Return the element type that a CacheFragment
will use.
— Methodchain(n)
Return an empty ChainBlock
which can be used like a list of blocks.
julia> chain(2)
nqubits: 2
julia> chain(2; nlevel=3)
nqudits: 2
— Methodchain()
Return an lambda n->chain(n)
— Methodchain(blocks...) -> ChainBlock
chain(n) -> ChainBlock
Return a ChainBlock
which chains a list of blocks with the same number of qudits. Let $G_i$ be a sequence of n-qudit blocks, the matrix representation of block chain(G_1, G_2, ..., G_m)
\[G_m G_{m-1}\ldots G_1\]
It is almost equivalent to matrix multiplication except the order is reversed. We make its order different from regular matrix multiplication because quantum circuits can be represented more naturally in this form.
julia> chain(X, Y, Z)
nqubits: 1
├─ X
├─ Y
└─ Z
julia> chain(2, put(1=>X), put(2=>Y), cnot(2, 1))
nqubits: 2
├─ put on (1)
│ └─ X
├─ put on (2)
│ └─ Y
└─ control(2)
└─ (1,) X
— Methodchmeasureoperator(m::Measure, op::AbstractBlock)
change the measuring operator
. It will also discard existing measuring results.
— Methodcleanup(entries::EntryTable; zero_threshold=0.0)
Clean up the entry table by 1) sort entries, 2) merge items and 3) clean up zeros. Any value with amplitude ≤ zero_threshold
will be regarded as zero.
julia> et = EntryTable([bit"000",bit"011",bit"101",bit"101",bit"011",bit"110",bit"110",bit"011",], [1.0 + 0.0im,-1, 1,1,1,-1,1,1,-1])
EntryTable{DitStr{2, 3, Int64}, ComplexF64}:
000 ₍₂₎ 1.0 + 0.0im
011 ₍₂₎ -1.0 + 0.0im
101 ₍₂₎ 1.0 + 0.0im
101 ₍₂₎ 1.0 + 0.0im
011 ₍₂₎ 1.0 + 0.0im
110 ₍₂₎ -1.0 + 0.0im
110 ₍₂₎ 1.0 + 0.0im
011 ₍₂₎ 1.0 + 0.0im
julia> cleanup(et)
EntryTable{DitStr{2, 3, Int64}, ComplexF64}:
000 ₍₂₎ 1.0 + 0.0im
011 ₍₂₎ 1.0 + 0.0im
101 ₍₂₎ 2.0 + 0.0im
— Methodcnot([n, ]ctrl_locs, location)
Return a speical ControlBlock
, aka CNOT gate with number of active qubits n
and locs of control qubits ctrl_locs
, and location
of X
julia> cnot(3, (2, 3), 1)
nqubits: 3
control(2, 3)
└─ (1,) X
julia> cnot(2, 1)
(n -> cnot(n, 2, 1))
— Methodcollect_blocks(block_type, root)
Return a ChainBlock
with all block of block_type
in root.
— Methodcontrol(ctrl_locs, target) -> f(n)
Return a lambda that takes the number of total active qubits as input. See also control
julia> control((2, 3), 1=>X)
(n -> control(n, (2, 3), 1 => X))
julia> control(2, 1=>X)
(n -> control(n, 2, 1 => X))
— Methodcontrol(n, ctrl_locs, locations => subblock)
Return a n
-qubit ControlBlock
, where the control locations ctrl_locs
and the subblock locations
in the third argument can be an integer, a tuple or a range, and the size of the subblock should match the length of locations
. Let $I$ be the $2 \times 2$ identity matrix, $G$ be a $2 \times 2$ subblock, $P_0=|0\rangle\langle 0|$ and $P_1=|1\rangle\langle 1|$ be two single qubit projection operators to subspace $|0\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$, $i$ and $j$ be two integers that $i>j$. The matrix representation of control(n, i, j=>G)
\[\begin{align} &I^{\otimes n-i} P_0 \otimes I^{\otimes i-j-1} \otimes I\otimes I^{\otimes j-1} +\\ & I^{\otimes n-i} P_1 \otimes I^{\otimes i-j-1} \otimes G\otimes I^{\otimes j-1} \end{align}\]
The multi-controlled multi-qubit controlled block is more complicated, it means apply the gate when control qubits are all ones. Each control location can take a negative sign to represent the inverse control, meaning only when this qubit is 0
, the controlled gate is applied.
julia> control(4, (1, 2), 3=>X)
nqubits: 4
control(1, 2)
└─ (3,) X
julia> control(4, 1, 3=>X)
nqubits: 4
└─ (3,) X
— Functioncunmat(nbit::Int, cbits::NTuple{C, Int}, cvals::NTuple{C, Int}, U0::AbstractMatrix, locs::NTuple{M, Int}) where {C, M} -> AbstractMatrix
control-unitary matrix
— Methodcz([n, ]ctrl_locs, location)
Return a special ControlBlock
, aka CZ gate with number of active qubits n
and locs of control qubits ctrl_locs
, and location
of Z
gate. See also cnot
julia> cz(2, 1, 2)
nqubits: 2
└─ (2,) Z
— Methoddecode_sign(ctrls...)
Decode signs into control sequence on control or inversed control.
— Methoddepolarizing_channel(n::Int; p::Real)
Create a global depolarizing channel.
: number of qubits.
Keyword Arguments
: probability of this error to occur.
See also
and two_qubit_depolarizing_channel
for depolarizing channels acting on only one or two qubits.
— Methoddispatch(x::AbstractBlock, collection)
Dispatch parameters in collection to block tree x
, the generic non-inplace version.
it will try to dispatch the parameters in collection first.
— Functiondump_gate(blk::AbstractBlock) -> Expr
convert a gate to a YaoScript expression for serization. The fallback is GateTypeName(fields...)
— Methodeigenbasis(op::AbstractBlock)
Return the eigenvalue
and eigenvectors
of target operator. By applying eigenvector
' to target state, one can swith the basis to the eigenbasis of this operator. However, eigenvalues
does not have a specific form.
— Methodgate_expr(::Val{G}, args, info)
Obtain the gate constructior from its YaoScript expression. G
is a symbol for the gate type, the default constructor is G(args...)
. info
contains the informations about the number of qubit and Yao version.
— Methodgetcol(csc::SDparseMatrixCSC, icol::Int) -> (View, View)
get specific col of a CSC matrix, returns a slice of (rowval, nzval)
— Methodigate(n::Int; nlevel=2)
The constructor for IdentityGate
. Let $I_d$ be a $d \times d$ identity matrix, igate(n; nlevel=d)
is defined as $I_d^{\otimes n}$.
julia> igate(2)
julia> igate(2; nlevel=3)
— Methodisclean(entries::EntryTable; zero_threshold=0.0)
Return true if the entries are ordered, unique and amplitudes are nonzero. Any value with amplitude ≤ zero_threshold
will be regarded as zero.
— Functionmap_address(block::AbstractBlock, info::AddressInfo) -> AbstractBlock
map the locations in block
to target locations.
can be used to embed a sub-circuit to a larger one.
julia> c = chain(5, repeat(H, 1:5), put(2=>X), kron(1=>X, 3=>Y))
nqubits: 5
├─ repeat on (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
│ └─ H
├─ put on (2)
│ └─ X
└─ kron
├─ 1=>X
└─ 3=>Y
julia> map_address(c, AddressInfo(10, [6,7,8,9,10]))
nqubits: 10
├─ repeat on (6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
│ └─ H
├─ put on (7)
│ └─ X
└─ kron
├─ 6=>X
└─ 8=>Y
— Methodmatblock(mat_or_block; nlevel=2, tag="matblock(...)")
Create a GeneralMatrixBlock
with a matrix m
julia> matblock(ComplexF64[0 1;1 0])
Instead of converting it to the default data type `ComplexF64`,
this will return its contained matrix when calling `mat`.
— Functionnum_nonzero(nbits, nctrls, U, [N])
Return number of nonzero entries of the matrix form of control-U gate. nbits
is the number of qubits, and nctrls
is the number of control qubits.
— Methodparameters!(out, block)
Append all the parameters contained in block tree with given root block
to out
— Methodparameters_range(block)
Return the range of real parameters present in block
It may not be the case that length(parameters_range(block)) == nparameters(block)
julia> YaoBlocks.parameters_range(RotationGate(X, 0.1))
1-element Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}:
(0.0, 6.283185307179586)
— Functionparse_block(n, ex)
This function parse the julia object ex
to a quantum block, it defines the syntax of high level interfaces. ex
can be a function takes number of qubits n
as input or it can be a pair.
— Methodpauli_error_channel(; px::Real, py::Real=px, pz::Real=px)
Create the Pauli error channel as a UnitaryChannel
\[ (1 - (p_x + p_y + p_z))⋅ρ + p_x⋅XρX + p_y⋅YρY + p_z⋅ZρZ\]
— Methodphase(theta)
Returns a global phase gate. Defined with following matrix form:
\[e^{iθ} I\]
You can create a global phase gate with a phase (a real number).
julia> phase(0.1)
— MethodYaoBlocks.popdispatch!
— Methodpopdispatch!(block, list)
Pop the first nparameters
parameters of list, then dispatch them to the block tree block
. See also dispatch!
— Methodpopdispatch!(f, block, list)
Pop the first nparameters
parameters of list, map them with a function f
, then dispatch them to the block tree block
. See also dispatch!
— Methodpostwalk(f, src::AbstractBlock)
Walk the tree and call f
after the children are visited.
— Methodprewalk(f, src::AbstractBlock)
Walk the tree and call f
once the node is visited.
— Methodprint_annotation(io, root, node, child, k)
Print the annotation of k
-th child
of node, aka the k
-th element of subblocks(node)
— Methodprint_prefix(io, depth, charset, active_levels)
print prefix of a tree node in a single line.
— Functionprint_subtypetree(::Type[, level=1, indent=4])
Print subtype tree, level
specify the depth of the tree.
— Methodprint_title(io, block)
Print the title of given block
of an AbstractBlock
— Functionprint_tree(io, root, node[, depth=1, active_levels=()]; kwargs...)
Print the block tree.
: max tree depth to printcharset
: default is ('├','└','│','─'). See alsoYaoBlocks.BlockTreeCharSet
: control whether to print the title,true
, default istrue
— Methodprint_tree([io=stdout], root)
Print the block tree.
— Methodprojection(y::AbstractMatrix, op::AbstractMatrix) -> typeof(y)
Project op
to sparse matrix with same sparsity as y
— Methodprojector(v::AbstractArrayReg) -> Projector
Create a Projector
with an quantum state vector v
julia> projector(rand_state(3))
|s⟩⟨s|, nqudits = 3
— Methodprojector(x)
Return projector on 0
or projector on 1
— Methodpswap(n::Int, i::Int, j::Int, α::Real)
pswap(i::Int, j::Int, α::Real) -> f(n)
parametrized swap gate.
julia> pswap(2, 1, 2, 0.1)
nqubits: 2
put on (1, 2)
└─ rot(SWAP, 0.1)
— MethodYaoBlocks.put
— Methodput(n::Int, locations => subblock) => PutBlock
Create a n
-qudit PutBlock
. The second argument is a pair of locations and subblock, where the locations can be a tuple, an integer or a range and the subblock size should match the length of locations. Let $I$ be a $2\times 2$ identity matrix and $G$ be a $2\times 2$ matrix, the matrix representation of put(n, i=>G)
is defined as
\[I^{\otimes n-i} \otimes G \otimes I^{\otimes i-1}\]
For multiple locations, the expression can be complicated, which corresponds to the matrix representation of multi-qubit gate applied on n
-qubit space in quantum computing.
julia> put(4, 1=>X)
nqubits: 4
put on (1)
└─ X
If you want to put a multi-qubit gate on specific locations, you need to write down all possible locations.
julia> put(4, (1, 3)=>kron(X, Y))
nqubits: 4
put on (1, 3)
└─ kron
├─ 1=>X
└─ 2=>Y
The outter locations creates a scope which make it seems to be a contiguous two qubits for the block inside PutBlock
It is better to use subroutine
instead of put
for large blocks, since put will use the matrix of its contents directly instead of making use of what's in it. put
is more efficient for small blocks.
— Methodrand_hermitian([T=ComplexF64], N::Int) -> Matrix
Create a random hermitian matrix.
julia> ishermitian(rand_hermitian(2))
— Methodrand_unitary([T=ComplexF64], N::Int) -> Matrix
Create a random unitary matrix.
julia> isunitary(rand_unitary(2))
julia> eltype(rand_unitary(ComplexF32, 2))
ComplexF32 (alias for Complex{Float32})
— Functionreflect(
) -> ReflectGate{D, T, Irrational{:π}, AT} where {D, T, AT<:(AbstractArrayReg{D, T})}
) -> ReflectGate{_A, T, Tt, AT} where {_A, Tt<:Real, T, AT<:(AbstractArrayReg{_A, T})}
Create a ReflectGate
with respect to an quantum state vector v
julia> reflect(rand_state(3))
Time Evolution Δt = π, tol = 1.0e-7
|s⟩⟨s|, nqudits = 3
— Methodrmlines(ex)
Remove LineNumberNode
from an Expr
— Methodrot(U, theta)
Return a RotationGate
on U axis.
— Methodsandwich(bra::AbstractRegister, op::AbstractBlock, ket::AbstracRegister) -> Complex
Compute the sandwich function ⟨bra|op|ket⟩.
— Methodsetcol!(csc::SparseMatrixCSC, icol::Int, rowval::AbstractVector, nzval) -> SparseMatrixCSC
set specific col of a CSC matrix
— Functionsetiparams([f], block, itr)
setiparams([f], block, params...)
Set the parameters of block
, the non-inplace version. When f
is provided, set parameters of block
to the value in collection
mapped by f
. iter
can be an iterator or a symbol, the symbol can be :zero
, :random
— Methodshift(θ)
Create a ShiftGate
with phase θ
\[\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & e^{i\theta} \end{pmatrix}\]
julia> shift(0.1)
— MethodReturn true if operators commute to each other.
— Methodsingle_qubit_depolarizing_channel(p::Real)
Create a single-qubit depolarizing channel.
The factor of 3/4 in front of p ensures that single_qubit_depolarizing_channel(p) == depolarizing_channel(1, p)
\[(1 - 3p/4 ⋅ρ) + p/4⋅(XρX + YρY + ZρZ)\]
— Methodsprand_hermitian([T=ComplexF64], N, density)
Create a sparse random hermitian matrix.
— Methodsprand_unitary([T=ComplexF64], N::Int, density) -> SparseMatrixCSC
Create a random sparse unitary matrix.
— Methodsubroutine(block, locs) -> f(n)
Lazy curried version of subroutine
— Methodsubroutine(n, block, locs)
Create a n
-qudit Subroutine
block, where the subblock
is a subprogram of size m
, and locs
is a tuple or range of length m
. It runs a quantum subprogram with smaller size on a subset of locations. While its mathematical definition is the same as the put
block, while it is more suited for running a larger chunk of circuit.
Subroutine is equivalent to put
a block on given position mathematically, but more efficient and convenient for large blocks.
julia> r = rand_state(3)
ArrayReg{2, ComplexF64, Array...}
active qubits: 3/3
nlevel: 2
julia> apply!(copy(r), subroutine(X, 1)) ≈ apply!(copy(r), put(1=>X))
It works for in-contigious locs as well
julia> r = rand_state(4)
ArrayReg{2, ComplexF64, Array...}
active qubits: 4/4
nlevel: 2
julia> cc = subroutine(4, kron(X, Y), (1, 3))
nqubits: 4
Subroutine: (1, 3)
└─ kron
├─ 1=>X
└─ 2=>Y
julia> pp = chain(4, put(1=>X), put(3=>Y))
nqubits: 4
├─ put on (1)
│ └─ X
└─ put on (3)
└─ Y
julia> apply!(copy(r), cc) ≈ apply!(copy(r), pp)
— Methodswap(n, loc1, loc2)
Create a n
-qubit Swap
gate which swap loc1
and loc2
julia> swap(4, 1, 2)
nqubits: 4
put on (1, 2)
— Methodswap(loc1, loc2) -> f(n)
Create a lambda that takes the total number of active qubits as input. Lazy curried version of swap(n, loc1, loc2)
. See also Swap
julia> swap(1, 2)
(n -> swap(n, 1, 2))
— Methodtime_evolve(H, dt[; tol=1e-7, check_hermicity=true])
Create a TimeEvolution
block with Hamiltonian H
and time step dt
. The TimeEvolution
block will use Krylove based expv
to calculate time propagation. TimeEvolution
block can also be used for imaginary time evolution if dt
is complex. Let $H$ be a hamiltonian and $t$ be a time, the matrix representation of time_evolve(H, t)
is $e^{-iHt}$.
the hamiltonian represented as anAbstractBlock
: the evolution duration (start time is zero).
Keyword Arguments
: error tolerance.check_hermicity=true
: check hermicity or not.
julia> time_evolve(kron(2, 1=>X, 2=>X), 0.1)
Time Evolution Δt = 0.1, tol = 1.0e-7
├─ 1=>X
└─ 2=>X
— Methodtwo_qubit_depolarizing_channel(p::Real)
Create a two-qubit depolarizing channel. Note that this is not the same as kron(single_qubit_depolarizing_channel(p), single_qubit_depolarizing_channel(p))
— Functionu1ij!(target, i, j, a, b, c, d)
single u1 matrix into a target matrix.
For coo, we take an additional parameter * ptr: starting position to store new data.
— Methodunitary_channel(operators, probs) -> UnitaryChannel
Returns a UnitaryChannel
instance, where `operators
is a list of operators, probs
is a real vector that sum up to 1. The unitary channel is defined as below
\[\phi(\rho) = \sum_i p_i U_i ρ U_i^\dagger,\]
where $\rho$ in a DensityMatrix
as the register to apply on, $p_i$ is the i-th element in probs
, U_i
is the i-th operator in operators
julia> unitary_channel([X, Y, Z], [0.1, 0.2, 0.7])
nqubits: 1
├─ [0.1] X
├─ [0.2] Y
└─ [0.7] Z
— Methodunmat(::Val{D}, nbit::Int, U::AbstractMatrix, locs::NTuple) -> AbstractMatrix
Return the matrix representation of putting matrix at locs.
— Macro@yao_str
The mark up language for quantum circuit.