Quantum Circuit Visualization

YaoPlots is the Quantum circuit visualization component for Yao.


Example 1: Visualize a QBIR define in Yao

using Yao.EasyBuild, YaoPlots

# show a qft circuit
Example block output

If you are using a Pluto/Jupyter notebook, Atom/VSCode editor, you should see the above image in your plotting panel.

Example 2: Visualize a single qubit

using YaoPlots, Yao

reg = zero_state(1) |> Rx(π/8) |> Rx(π/8)
rho = density_matrix(ghz_state(2), 1)

bloch_sphere("|ψ⟩"=>reg, "ρ"=>rho; show_projection_lines=true)
Example block output

See more examples.

Adjusting the plot attributes

Various attributes of the visualizations can be altered. The plot can be modified, if we change the following attributes

  • YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.linecolor[] for line color, default value being "#000000" (black color)
  • YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.gate_bgcolor[] for background color of square blocks, the default value being "#FFFFFF" (white color)
  • YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.textcolor[] for text color, default value being "#000000
  • YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.lw[] for line width, default value being 1 (pt)
  • YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.textsize[] for text size, default value being 16 (pt)
  • YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.paramtextsize[] for parameter text size, for parameterized gates, default value being 10 (pt)

For example,

using YaoPlots, Yao
YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.linecolor[] = "pink"
YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.gate_bgcolor[] = "yellow"
YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.textcolor[] = "#000080" # the navy blue color
YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.fontfamily[] = "JuliaMono"
YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.lw[] = 2.5
YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.textsize[] = 13
YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.paramtextsize[] = 8

vizcircuit(chain(3, put(1=>X), repeat(3, H), put(2=>Y), repeat(3, Rx(π/2))))
Example block output

Circuit Visualization

vizcircuit(circuit; w_depth=0.85, w_line=0.75, format=:svg, filename=nothing,
    show_ending_bar=false, starting_texts=nothing, starting_offset=-0.3,
    ending_texts=nothing, ending_offset=0.3)

Visualize a Yao quantum circuit.

Keyword Arguments

  • w_depth is the circuit column width.
  • w_line is the circuit row width.
  • format can be :svg, :png or :pdf.
  • filename can be "*.svg", "*.png", "*.pdf" or nothing (not saving to a file).
  • starting_texts and ending_texts are texts shown before and after the circuit.
  • starting_offset and end_offset are offsets (real values) for starting and ending texts.
  • show_ending_bar is a boolean switch to show ending bar.


To change the gates styles like colors and lines, please modify the constants in submodule CircuitStyles. They are defined as:

  • CircuitStyles.unit = Ref(60) # number of points in a unit
  • CircuitStyles.r = Ref(0.2) # size of nodes
  • CircuitStyles.lw = Ref(1.0) # line width
  • CircuitStyles.textsize = Ref(16.0) # text size
  • CircuitStyles.paramtextsize = Ref(10.0) # text size (longer texts)
  • CircuitStyles.fontfamily = Ref("JuliaMono") # font family
  • CircuitStyles.linecolor = Ref("#000000") # line color
  • CircuitStyles.gate_bgcolor = Ref("transparent") # gate background color
  • CircuitStyles.textcolor = Ref("#000000") # text color

Bloch Sphere Visualization


A module to define the styles of the circuit visualization. To change the styles, please modify the variables in this module, e.g.

julia> using YaoPlots

julia> YaoPlots.CircuitStyles.unit[] = 40

Style variables


  • unit is the number of pixels in a unit.
  • r is the size of nodes.
  • lw is the line width.


  • textsize is the text size.
  • paramtextsize is the text size for longer texts.
  • fontfamily is the font family.


  • linecolor is the line color.
  • gate_bgcolor is the gate background color.
  • textcolor is the text color.
) -> Luxor.Drawing

Draw a bloch sphere, with the inputs being a list of string => state pairs, where the string is a label for the state and a state can be a complex vector of size 2, a Yao register or DensityMatrix. If you want to get a raw drawing, use draw_bloch_sphere instead.

Keyword Arguments

Note: The default values can be specified in submodule BlochStyles.

  • textsize: the size of the text
  • color: the color of the drawing
  • drawing_size: the size of the drawing
  • offset_x: the offset of the drawing in x direction
  • offset_y: the offset of the drawing in y direction
  • filename: the filename of the output file, if not specified, a temporary file will be used
  • format: the format of the output file, if not specified, the format will be inferred from the filename
  • fontfamily: the font family of the text
  • background_color: the background color of the drawing
  • lw: the line width of the drawing
  • eye_point: the eye point of the drawing
  • extra_kwargs: extra keyword arguments passed to draw_bloch_sphere
    • dot_size: the size of the dot
    • ball_size: the size of the ball
    • show_projection_lines: whether to show the projection lines
    • show_angle_texts: whether to show the angle texts
    • show_line: whether to show the line
    • show01: whether to show the 0 and 1 states
    • colors: the colors of the states
    • axes_lw: the line width of the axes
    • axes_textsize: the size of the axes texts
    • axes_colors: the colors of the axes
    • axes_texts: the texts of the axes


julia> using YaoPlots, YaoArrayRegister

julia> bloch_sphere("|ψ⟩"=>rand_state(1), "ρ"=>density_matrix(rand_state(2), 1));

The module to define the default styles for bloch sphere drawing. To change the default styles, you can modify the values in this module, e.g.

using YaoPlots
YaoPlots.BlochStyles.lw[] = 2.0

Style variables


  • lw: the line width of the drawing
  • textsize: the size of the text
  • fontfamily: the font family of the text
  • background_color: the background color of the drawing
  • color: the color of the drawing


  • ball_size: the size of the ball
  • dot_size: the size of the dot
  • eye_point: the eye point of the drawing


  • axes_lw: the line width of the axes
  • axes_colors: the colors of the axes
  • axes_texts: the texts of the axes, default to ["x", "y", "z"]

State display

  • show_projection_lines: whether to show the projection lines
  • show_angle_texts: whether to show the angle texts
  • show_line: whether to show the line
  • show01: whether to show the 0 and 1 states
